Ashleigh – Mercy Multiplied Graduate

Mercy Graduate AshleighHey, my name is Ashleigh and I graduated from Mercy in 2006. I wanted to take a moment to thank Nancy for pressing into the heart of the Lord and for sharing what she found in the eyes of her Creator.

For more than 20 years, I focused on the ‘me’, ‘myself’, and ‘I’ of Ashleigh. I clothed ‘myself’ in labels that I picked up along my journey of life; labels of anger, anorexia, academia, self-hate and control. I defined ‘myself’ by beauty in the flesh, financial success and material possessions.

Amidst all of this, there was still a young girl within me that had a dream. My heavenly Father had graciously blessed me with a dream at the fragile age of three years. A fallen world and the sin of mankind clouded and then shattered my dream of marriage and motherhood. My heart’s desire had been shut out and redefined by the ways of the world as a means to cope instead of feeling pain. I was aware of this young girl’s child-like presence, but I was unable to acknowledge her.

God’s mercy is freedom and His grace is sufficient! Nancy’s heart and commitment to be a channel into experiencing His unconditional love has created an opportunity for that child in me to come back to life. I have traded my life in the flesh for abundant life in the presence of my King. He says, “I delight in her!” I am free to be as I focus fully into His eyes and hold His hand.

I no longer need labels. I have life!

Nancy, Thank you for making a way!

